hold the mother

an online space for postpartum women to connect, learn, heal, vent, share, relate and replenish

Founded by Kelsie Anderson, FNTP, HTMA-P, *Certified Postpartum Nutrition Professional and mama of two

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who is this for?

Expecting and postpartum mamas will be the heart and soul of this community. But even if you aren’t pregnant and you’re excited to start absorbing the in’s and out’s of postpartum, the doors are always open! It’s truly never too early to begin educating yourself and supporting your body & mind for all of the transitions that come with pregnancy and postpartum!

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what is it?

A monthly membership & private community space to connect, engage and learn from: myself, other mamas and a curated group of birth/postpartum professionals. Think... A facebook “mom group” but with far more intention, education and genuine support.

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what all do members receive access to each month?

  • An app and private community space to connect, engage and learn from myself, other mamas and a curated group of birth/postpartum professionals
  • Educational content specific to postpartum prep, health and healing that will be exclusive to this community
    • Postpartum nutrition education, recipes, targeted nutrient support, etc. for pregnancy and postpartum
  • Mental/emotional support and guidance to help you navigate the transitions that come with pregnancy and postpartum
  • Direct message access to myself for any individual questions you feel are best asked in private
  • Priority access to Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis functional lab testing
  • Member exclusive discounts to Pelvic Floor focused Exercise Programs, Baby Feeding Courses and more!

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  • An app and private community space to connect, engage and learn from myself, other mamas and a curated group of birth/postpartum professionals
  • Educational content specific to postpartum prep, health and healing that will be exclusive to this community
    • Postpartum nutrition education, recipes, targeted nutrient support, etc. for pregnancy and postpartum
  • Mental/emotional support and guidance to help you navigate the transitions that come with pregnancy and postpartum
  • Direct message access to myself for any individual questions you feel are best asked in private
  • Priority access to Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis functional lab testing
  • Member exclusive discounts to Pelvic Floor focused Exercise Programs, Baby Feeding Courses and more!

plus discussion forums and topics that include:

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Prenatal nutrition and care


Pregnancy symptoms


Birth plans, labor and birth


Postpartum preparation


Postpartum recovery and symptoms


Postpartum nutrition


Postpartum mental and emotional support


A “vent” room

hold the mother


As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and mama of two, I see first hand how transformational the postpartum season can be. But unfortunately, the pendulum can swing both ways: positive and negative. Postpartum doesn’t have to be full of doom, depletion, isolation, anxiety and depression. But it absolutely can be if you’re not supported. So here I am, coming at you with the honest, raw truth of what it takes to actually thrive in the fourth trimester. Nutritionally, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Beyond educating you, I also want you to have a space to connect with other mamas who are going through similar experiences. You can talk to your partner, mom or friend until you’re blue in the face but there’s just nothing like opening up these conversations with other women who are in the thick of it with you, right now.

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healing can happen at

any point

healing can happen at

any point

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Postpartum extends far beyond “the first 40 days”. Mothers can be in a postpartum season (nutritionally, physically, mentally and emotionally) for years to follow birth.

why your postpartum physical & mental health is so important

Without proper nutrition, hormones can’t be created, maintained or regulated. And when hormones aren’t supported, they are going to fluctuate outside of the normal biological state. Hormones will influence: sleep, acne, digestion, weight, vaginal health, breastfeeding, libido, brain function, immune health, menstrual cycles, bonding with babies, relationships and more.

When your body is not provided with the correct nutrients via proper nutrition and optimal digestion, it will greatly impact your body’s ability to produce and regulate hormones to keep them in a normal state. Furthermore, lacking emotional support will in turn raise day to day stress and cortisol levels. Living in this fight or flight mode (in an already depleted state) is going to cause your body to “pick and choose” what gets priority. And unfortunately, things like hair growth, sex drive, digestive dysfunction, metabolism, etc. are not going to make the cut!

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did you know?

1 in 7 women will experience a PMAD (Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder- depression, anxiety, bipolar, panic disorder, etc.) after birth. These are almost always rooted in learned behavior, unhelpful social constructs, trauma, medicalized births and nutrient deficiencies

how PMAD’s impact...

The mother

  • Third leading cause of death is suicide, next to hypertension and hemorrhage
  • Feeling of guilt, shame, embarrassment, failure, fear, etc.

The children

  • Children with ADHD have been strongly correlated with women who’ve experienced PPD
  • The connection with baby alters their genetic patterns in the first few days of life


  • 90% of marriages will experience problems after baby (exhaustion, not getting needs met, intimacy, etc.)
  • Divorce rates hover at 50% in the first year after childbirth
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Postpartum depression and anxiety are not pathological. They are a normal body response to dysfunctional care after birth

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take a look inside the membership for a sneak peek!

can you relate to feeling...

  • overwhelmed by what you should be eating to make sure both you and baby have your needs met?
  • confused if you should continue your prenatal or make any adjustments to your supplement routine?
  • under-acknowledged for all that’s on your plate, physically and emotionally?
  • hesitant to ask certain questions/bring up “hot” topics surrounding sleep, feedings, etc. because you don’t want to be judged?
  • physically and mentally exhausted, even after a decent night of sleep?
  • perplexed by why so many aspects of your health now look so different (digestion, skin health, cravings, headaches, etc.) despite nothing really changing?
  • conflicted about when you can/should start reintroducing exercise back into your routine?
  • lost when it comes to finding your “new” self after becoming a mama?
  • anxious, depressed, angry, etc.?
  • alone in your motherhood journey?

... if so, this community may be just what you need

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Today’s modern culture has made depletion and malnourishment the default. The norm. Mothers simply don’t have the support system that enables them to take care of themselves to truly heal in the fourth trimester and provide for their families in ways that they long to do

which is why we need a community now more than ever.

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first month is free on me with code “HTMFREE”

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Curated Birth & Postpartum Professionals

joining us inside of the community

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Dr. Kelsey Contreras

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, Mama of 3

Allie Page

Doula, Founder of Birth of a Mother Summit, Mama of 2

Fiona George

Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife, Mama of 2

Molly Peterson


(Lactation Consultant)

Mama of 1

Amy Loomis

Doula, RN, Mama of 5

Michelle Tagge

MS, NTP, Pediatric Nutritionist, Mama of 3

Dr. Marissa Bacon

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, Mama of 2

Vanessa Fritz

Prenatal & Pediatric Chiropractor, Mama of 2

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Chelsey Isaacson

Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife, Mama of 2

Nina Boyce

Fertility Awareness Educator

Mama of 1 + 1 on the way!

Janet Catherine

Doula, Motherhood Photographer, Mama of 2


about hold the mother

what is the cost of HTM?

Members of the Hold the Mother membership pay a $9.99 subscription fee for full access to the community and all of the resources included!

There is also a discounted annual subscription available for $95.99!

how do I access the community?

Members can access the community via the Circle App on their phone or via desktop browser, depending on their preference!

will there be postpartum meal plans provided?

do I need to commit to a certain number of months inside the membership?

Nope! All members can cancel their membership at any time. No funny biz here.

can I reach out privately to you or the other birth/postpartum professions if I don’t want to ask in the forums?

what if I’m currently pregnant & not yet postpartum?

Pregnant women are highly encouraged to join as members! There are several forums within the community that relate solely to pregnancy (nutrition, supplementation, birth plan, labor/birth, etc.) along with prepping for postpartum. The earlier, the better!

There will be postpartum specific snack lists, meal inspiration and example daily templates for members to utilize as they desire!

are any functional labs included in HTM?

Functional labs are not included in the membership but all members will have first priority on my HTMA waitlist to expedite acquiring labs and personalized recommendations. In time, I am hoping to incorporate group HTMA testing into the membership- but not quite yet!

can I reach out privately to you or the other birth/postpartum professions if I don’t want to ask a question in the forums?

Absolutely. While most conversations will ideally be public so all members can engage, you always have the option to send us a personalized direct message!

I’m over 12 months PP, can I still benefit from this membership?


Postpartum extends far beyond just “the first 40 days” and healing can happen at any point after

resources to expect inside...

helpful PDF’s drip every month!

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curious about a specific topic? bring it to my attention and I can create a resource for you and all of the other members inside!

You just got done changing a diaper smaller than your hand only to go change your own. You know you’re not prioritizing your health right now but how could you. You resent your partner for their freedom but can’t fathom the thought of them taking over the roles that are innately yours. You feel alone often, even though you’re being touched 24/7. You know that the postpartum hormone shift is the most drastic change any human will ever experience, yet “why is this transition so hard”? You feel shame that you’re co-sleeping even though it’s exactly what you and the baby need. So you stay silent. You feel elated and incredibly fulfilled one minute and the next wave brings sadness and grief. But of what? For what? You can’t even say. You question so many things because no one has prepared or guided you. You’re losing hair. You’re losing what feels like your identity. But you don’t even want to be the person you were before. You know you need time to heal and you recognize that your body just underwent unspeakable, miraculous changes yet you still cringe at the extra skin, rolls and battle wounds that didn’t exist before. All you want is for a friend to reach out to go get coffee but when they ask, it feels easier to stay in bed. So that’s what you do. You sit and think about how much you love this little human only to end up in tears of unexplained heartache. You have no f*cking clue what you’re doing but for some reason that’s okay with you. Until it’s not. You know your partner is craving intimacy with you and all you want is to be present but your mind is racing through every chore that you should/could be doing before the baby wakes up. You feel every single wave of happiness, guilt and unexplainable love amidst the newborn sleepless fog. One minute “nothing else matters” and the next, EVERY LITTLE THING matters. You swear you could spend all day staring at every perfect inch of their face and listening to their short breaths, and most days you do.

You just got done changing a diaper smaller than your hand only to go change your own. You know you’re not prioritizing your health right now but how could you. You resent your partner for their freedom but can’t fathom the thought of them taking over the roles that are innately yours. You feel alone often, even though you’re being touched 24/7. You know that the postpartum hormone shift is the most drastic change any human will ever experience, yet “why is this transition so hard”? You feel shame that you’re co-sleeping even though it’s exactly what you and the baby need. So you stay silent. You feel elated and incredibly fulfilled one minute and the next wave brings sadness and grief. But of what? For what? You can’t even say. You question so many things because no one has prepared or guided you. You’re losing hair. You’re losing what feels like your identity. But you don’t even want to be the person you were before. You know you need time to heal and you recognize that your body just underwent unspeakable, miraculous changes yet you still cringe at the extra skin, rolls and battle wounds that didn’t exist before. All you want is for a friend to reach out to go get coffee but when they ask, it feels easier to stay in bed. So that’s what you do. You sit and think about how much you love this little human only to end up in tears of unexplained heartache. You have no f*cking clue what you’re doing but for some reason that’s okay with you. Until it’s not. You know your partner is craving intimacy with you and all you want is to be present but your mind is racing through every chore that you should/could be doing before the baby wakes up. You feel every single wave of happiness, guilt and unexplainable love amidst the newborn sleepless fog. One minute “nothing else matters” and the next, EVERY LITTLE THING matters. You swear you could spend all day staring at every perfect inch of their face and listening to their short breaths, and most days you do.

i see you, mama

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